The scientific foundation of Live Longer BetterThe ageing process affects everyone from about the age of twenty. it has two principal effects. the first is a decrease in maximal ability, the maximal heart rate for example. The second is the loss of resilience, the ability to adapt to a challenge such as a decrease in temperature or a stumble.But by itself it does not cause major problems until the late nineties. We now know that there are three inter-related causes of the problems that offer more frequently as people live longer:
The evidence base for Live Longer BetterWe also know what can be done to live better for longer. The evidence is strong that at any age individuals who are living longer need to focus on:
Activity is keyActivity, physical, mental and social, or, to put it another way, physical, cognitive and emotional is of vital importance in achieving optimal ageing, that is, to keep the gap between your actual level of ability and your best possible level of ability by preventing loss of fitness or regaining lost fitness, both physical and mental by what can be called ‘training’ but could just as well be called activity, particularly activity that challenges body brain and mind.
The benefits of physical activity are obvious. Mental activity increases your ability to think clearly and logically, increasing cognitive fitness and social activity will help emotional fitness, not just feeling better because people have done something nice for you but because you have done something good for other people.
These are simple principles based on strong scientific but we live in a society in which many people, including highly trained people, are ignorant or confused about what is going on and how to cope with it. The optimal ageing revolutionIt is important to emphasise that what happens to you as you live longer is not always your fault, neither is it all caused by the normal biological ageing process. There are environmental pressures. The world in which we live is a dangerous place, with many factors, social and physical, from low income to air pollution, causing the problems that surface as the decade's pass. As well as offering coaching to individuals we want to change the way society, and the health and social services, think about ageing and growing older. We need to change the environment, both physical and social, and our social objectives are: